Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Sales List

One Zero Zero in Belfast is clearing out some of its gear. Here's a list of items for sale with photos and prices where available.

Tascam PB-32 P Patchbay (1/4”) £15
Fostex 3013 Patchbay (1/4”) (Ears Damaged but Working) £10
No Name Black Patchbay (1/4”) £15
M&M 88 Patchbay (bantam) £15
Avitel VJF2034 Visual Patchbay £80
Freeform Analogue Technologies Freebass (TR-303 Clone) £80
Drawmer SP2120 Speaker Protector (Key Missing – Replacement Key £13) £300
Tascam DA60 2-track DAT Recorder £80
Dwight Cavendish VP-702-04 A/V Distro. Amp. £80
OPcode Studio 128x 128-Channel MIDI Interface £40
Digidesign VSD Sync Video Slave Driver £30
Rane ME15 15-band Stereo EQ £75
Rane ME15B 15-band Stereo EQ x 4 £100 each
Roland SRV 3030 Reverb Unit £150
Yamaha SPX1000 (Not Working, Repairable) £150
Rane ME60 31-band Stereo EQ £150
Behringer Autocom Pro 2-channel compressor MDX1400 £20
Digidesign 888/24 IO £180
Digidesign Pro Tools Expansion Chassis (2 cards) (Mix Plus)
Digidesign Expansion Chassis (6 cards) (Mix Plus)
Grundig GV9001 VCR £15
JVC TM-A101G Monitor £150
Alba DVD73 DVD Player £20
EMO 12-way Power Distro £80
Olson 10-way Power Distro x 4 £50 each
Sony RM-450CE Editing Control Unit £200
Kenwood KX5080s Cassette Deck £20
Philips CD723 CD Player £25
Citronic PD-1s Turntable £100
Technics SL-1200 Mk2 Direct Drive Turntable £120
Shure C606 (Brand New in Box) £20
Sony ICF-2001D Radio £100
Sony MXP-2908 7-channel Mixer Offers
Double Guitar Flightcase £150

Email any enquiries to info [at] onezerozero [dot] co [dot] uk or phone 028 9029 9900